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HomeHall of Fame Qualifications


The following are qualifications for the APLA of Hall of Fame.

Dogs Born Before 2004 – To qualify for the APLA Hall of Fame

Must be titled as a Grand Master Pointing Retriever (GMPR) or higher

Males must earn 180 points in the APLA

Females must earn 80 points in the APLA

Dogs Born Between 2004 and 2021 – To qualify for the APLA Hall of Fame

Must be a Four-time Grand Master Pointing Retriever (4X-GMPR)

Males must earn 200 points in the APLA

Females must earn 80 points in the APLA

Dogs Born After 2021*

Must be a Four-time Grand Master Pointing Retriever (4X-GMPR) and pass the Triple Crown (TC) event a minimum of one time.

Males must earn 250 points or complete five (5) passes at the Triple Crown event

Females must earn 180 points or complete five (5) TC passes

*2021 was the first year the Triple Crown event was run. Hence, all dogs born in 2021 will have the opportunity to plan for and run the TC event.

Males are required to have more points than females because the potential reproductive output of a male and thus total number of offspring generating points can far exceed that of a female in a normal lifespan

APLA Hall of Fame Points* are earned by a dog in the following manner:

Triple Crown (TC) pass = 40 pts per pass

4XGMPR = 15 pts

A dog may also earn APLA Hall of Fame Points by having offspring** titled in the APLA.

For each offspring titled at the TC level (regardless of number of TC passes) = 40 pts

For each offspring titled as a 4XGMPR = 15 pts

For each offspring titled as a MPR up to 3.5XGMPR = 10 pts

For each offspring titled as an APR = 5 pts

For each offspring titled as a CPR = 2 pts

*A dog in consideration only gets points for the highest title they have earned. For example, a 4xGMPR dog earns a total of 15 points, not the sum of all points earned for prior titles.

**Only direct offspring (no grand dogs or niece/nephews) of the dog will count towards these points.

If you feel you have a dog that may qualify, download a Hall of Fame worksheet here.

APLA Hall of Fame Worksheet