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Red Labels Rudy x Diamond K's Libby
Pointing Labrador Puppies
Posted: 3/15/2025 By: Kim Krull
Coal/Onyx puppies
Pointing Labrador Puppies
Posted: 3/15/2025 By: Cameron Green
3 Peat 4xGMPR Fox Red Litter Coming
Pointing Labrador Puppies
Posted: 3/6/2025 By: Greg Schut
Posted: 3/5/2025 By: Kelly Swiderski
4 Triple Crowned Pedigree Litter
Pointing Labrador Puppies
Posted: 3/5/2025 By: Robert Q Smith
4XGMPR HRCH Ryker, Proven Chocolate Stud
Posted: 1/2/2023 By: Richard Rutt